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Measure local quality measures – barriers and problems

Measure local quality measures – barriers and problems
In recent years, the world economy is undergoing huge changes in the trend of globalization. It is an irreversible process, especially in terms of science and technology becoming a direct production force. Countries may have different approaches to tackle and mitigate the negative effects of globalization, but must take part in this process.
As a developing country within the dynamic economic sector with relatively high growth rate, Vietnam has made great efforts to rapidly integrate into the economy with other countries in the region. world. This is evident after Vietnam joined ASEAN together with its participation in the Free Trade Area (AFTA), becoming an official member of APEC Economic Forum Asia-Pacific Economic Forum. Bilateral Trade Agreement with the United States and accession to the World Trade Organization.
To continuously improve the productivity, quality and efficiency of production and business activities, improve the competitiveness of Vietnamese products in the international market and integrate more and more into the global economy. … STP standardization activities become more important, effective and urgent than ever …
From standard practice, measurement and quality, we find that in the past, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the General Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality have made great efforts in To formulate a system of legal documents, such as laws, ordinances, decrees, decisions, directives, etc., creating a sufficient legal corridor in the field of standards, This is a great contribution from the STAMEQ and the Ministry of Science and Technology.
TCVN, QCVN has been reformed in accordance with World Trade Organization regulations and international standards.
Measurement system – testing, technical facilities are increasingly invested, step by step meet the requirements of integration.
The organizational structure, functions and tasks have been strengthened in line with the direction of reform gradually to international standards.
QGI has made great contributions to socio-economic development in recent years, contributing to ensuring social equity, protecting legitimate and legitimate interests of consumers, contributing significantly To improve productivity, quality, efficiency of production and business, increase competitiveness in the market, increase economic growth, increase the total value of exports, increase the value of “goods made in Vietnam ”
In order to further promote the active role of QMS activities in order to better serve the cause of national renewal, from a local perspective, a number of issues should be proposed for consideration and decision, namely:
The first is that the organizational system of the state management agency on Q & A is not consistent unless it is “cluttered and arbitrary”, “On the said, a few under the listener – Ministry Some of the Department did not hear “… although the STAMEQ and the Ministry of Science and Technology (formerly the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment) have been leading many times over the past 12 years. On June 18, 2008, Joint Circular No. 05/2008 / TTLT-BKHCN-BNV was promulgated, the perfect content of the Circular once again affirmed the special interest of the General Department. The Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Home Affairs for the quality standard for socio-economic development and integration.
However, a small number of individuals from a small number of Departments of Science and Technology have the view that the “circular is wearing private” to “crutches against the heavens” in the direction of individual thinking deviated out of the established legal corridor. According to Circular 05.
State management must be understood as consistency, including the system of legal documents, organizational structure, functions, tasks and powers of the State management bodies. We often say “unified state management of standards and standards”, but never forget that there will never be “unified state management of standards and quality” in a heterogeneous environment and a system “chaotic organizational disorder “.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a consistent solution to provide a consistent model for local STMM management in accordance with Joint Circular No. 05/2008 / TTLT-BKHCN-BNV, In which the measurement and testing center or the non-productive measurement and testing unit belongs to the STAMEQ, it is entirely suitable.
On a practical basis:
The system of local STAMEQs in the whole country has been formed and developed comprehensively over the last 24 years (according to Circular 220 of the State Committee for Science and Technology) and has brought into play It also contributes to the improvement of productivity, quality and efficiency of production and business, thus contributing to increasing economic growth and improving the quality of life of the commune. The technical performance of measurement and testing plays an important role and can be both an instrument and a legal basis.

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